I suck at this game 🤬🤬🤬
I suck at this game 🤬🤬🤬
Im gonna go in the leaderboards 🙂 remember me...
(Perhaps my wish is too grand, as I can't seem to do it.)
I believe in you <3
A good game 👍
Thank you!
Difficulty: 5/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Music: 7/10
Artstyle: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
There also was a skip you can do in superego that made it easier. Great game otherwise.
Holy bruh this is one of my favorite games now even when it's simple because that's what I love about it, it succeeds with what it does and it's just BEAUTIFUL and the music? HELL YEAH it's so good that I think it's one of the best pieces of music I ever heard. And about the gameplay, it's not phenomenal and as I just said before it's simple but great, there are no overly complicated controls and tasks, the story is good too (even when it's not direct at it) as it says that a man is trying to escape a zombie filled city with only his briefcases, and the difficulty? Yeahh it's actually harder than I thought, I thought I could finish it in one attempt but I actually did 4 lol (with the help of checkpoints). So my conclusion... It's a good game, it looks simple but good, the music is phenomenal, the gameplay is good so overall I'd give it... About 9.5 (if I didn't use the newgrounds rating system). (Edit: As you can see there are grammar error but I'm too lazy to correct it). Have a good night :)
I like games and stuff. Music is cool too.
A guy 👍
Joined on 10/5/21